Losing Weight But Not Belly Fat? Learn The First Rule Of Fat Burning!

It's crazy and hard to believe, but you can go on a diet and actually gain fat in all the wrong places, especially your belly.

Fat Burner Weight Loss

This seems sooooo unfair after all your struggle, willpower and effort to truly lose fat. This problem may have even caused you to give up dieting and trying to lose fat altogether...it's very common so don't feel alone.

Fat Burner Weight Loss

The good news is this article will help you if you are Losing Weight but Not Belly Fat by understanding why this is happening and what to about it.

Losing Weight Vs Losing Fat

Most diets are based on restricting calories.

The theory is the "less you consume" the more weight you will lose. This is misguided thinking and only defeats your efforts to truly burn fat. In reality any time you restrict calories for an extended period of time you will actually hold onto fat.. Not burn it off.

If your body senses a large decrease in caloric intake it will go into survival mode which instinctively screams out to your system... "Hey, slow down, conserve energy and hold onto every fat cell you can".

So instead of eating less and losing fat your body starts consuming lean muscle tissue as an energy source. Yikes!

So if you have been starving yourself and have noticed a lack of muscle definition and no decrease in fat loss this is why, even if you have been pumping weights.

The Secret of Burning Off Belly Fat

Forget restricting calories! You are in this for the long haul right?

The real long term secret to burn off belly fat lies in... "Controlling your blood sugar".... not counting calories. You see, as long as your blood sugar is spiking up and down throughout the day you won't lose an ounce of fat. Got to keep blood sugar stable...here's why.

The First Rule of Burning Belly Fat - Control Blood Sugar

Why is controlling blood sugar the long term key to staying slim and burning fat?

When you eat sugar and/or simple carbs like bread, pastries or even white rice your blood sugar spikes, because you're flooding your system with glucose. As it spikes upward, your body releases insulin to "bring the sugar level down". The problem is you cannot burn fat cells while insulin is present in your blood, and that's what we want to target steadily throughout the day...burning fat cells. Think about how much sugar you consume daily!

Our diets are so heavily loaded with sugar and simple junk carbs that we NEVER get a chance to naturally burn fat cells...were too busy flooding our system with insulin and trying to suppress blood sugar spikes. So fat cells get stored and we burn glucose for fuel...we need to reverse that process!

How Do We Stabilize Blood Sugar and Burn Fat?

Simple. Eat a solid mix of lean proteins, complex carbs and plenty of good fats. Next make a solid effort to cut or eliminate sugar, and cut back or eliminate simple carbs like white flour products, white rice and pasta.

Do You want to Burn Fat 24 hours a day?

This sounds easy but in actuality you will need to fine tune your eating strategy or you will fail miserable. The beauty of this eating plan is that if done "correctly" you will need ZERO willpower to maintain a steady fat burn of up to 7 -10 pounds per week.


Because you won't feel hungry.

When your blood sugar is stable your appetite is under control, no cravings, no misery.

So if you are losing weight but not belly fat lose fat why not LEARN about the hundreds of foods you can start including in your meals that actually will burn fat... The video below will give you a new start!

Losing Weight But Not Belly Fat? Learn The First Rule Of Fat Burning!
Fat Burner Weight Loss

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